…and the deeds of mercy
with the stormy words
were blown away…

…brisk breeze
ruthless and relentless
but so kind in tone…

In some cases, the worst things can serve us well.

Inspired by another podcast by Cory Muscara with the name Gratitude I felt tempted to write another article that will talk about the human nature and how we are able to bend it to our benefit once we are aware of its sneaky character.

Blessing in disguise. We don’t seem to see it at the first sight yet it is always there with us. It is so close to us that we are unable to see it.

As I was laying in my bed last night, a powerful thought struck my mind, almost half journey into a dreamworld. I felt my heartbeat more intensely than before. Regular calm beats, going on with no effort. My heart was keeping me alive and in that moment I felt an enormous wave of gratefulness. I was shocked by that because it is something I normally do not think about. I usually take it for granted until something happens.

Feeling my heartbeat and appreciating the fact of my heart keeping me alive came to me in the moments of feeling lost, dissatisfied and even hopeless due to some unfortunate life circumstances. It was a mind twist sent out of grace from the heavens. In that moment I realized how small my “problems” were. I was there in my bed – warm, with belly full of food, clean and with roof above my head. I was. My mind kept blabbering its things and showing me the hurt from the past despite that but the feeling of gratitude for my life was lingering with me to show me the biggest blessing in disguise – impermanence of life.

The seasons that change, the problems that come and go – those are the blessings in disguise. If we never got sick, how would we appreciate our health? If we never got emotionally hurt, how would we appreciate the moments of pure bliss? Especially in the bad times it is important to see the reality for what it is outside our ever-racing mind and be grateful for being able to learn from hardships and then start another brand new chapter of our life on the next morning. And then the next, and the next…while our heart keeps cheering for our life.

Alexandra Puškárová

About Alexandra Puškárová

'Every poem has a story to tell'

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