Letting go…

Moving on…

Both is hard and heavy.

It can suck you down like a quicksand if you fight it.

You are happily walking and then you fall into a pit of quicksand that appeared to be a normal land. Suddenly, the situation changes from one second to another. You feel the weight of the sand as it is dragging your body down. The pressure is unbearable that it feels like your bones are crushed and no matter how fast you try to get out, it pulls you in stronger. The faster you try to get back to normal and forget about the hurtful moment, the more it keeps popping up in your mind. The thoughts may be so intense they visit you in your dreams. You feel like you cannot move, your legs are stuck and “letting go” seems impossible.

Today, I have came across this idea of quicksands and their connection to feeling stuck and being unable to move on or to let go of the past while listening to the podcast of Cory Muscara about Letting Go.

The video below by National Geographic shows how feeling stuck may feel in an extreme way.

Similarly, like when stuck in a quicksand, being overwhelmed and moving abruptly to all directions just worsens the situation we ended up in. When we are trying to let of of the past, the more we fight the effect it has on us the more it attacks us.


When sinking into a quicksand, it is recommended to lay back and move with the feet if possible to let the weight be distributed on a larger space of our body which may help us to lift our feet up from the liquid sand. It is important to keep looking forward, maybe there is a branch of a tree we can reach to help ourselves. Another key thing is to keep the mind sane and keep thinking we can survive and get out. The power to fight for life always overpowers the fear of death. Similarly, we may deal with the pressure of the past. If we breathe calmly and lay back, it is a first step that allows us to see the reality and enables us to see what the future may hold if we reach to a branch of a tree or to a hand that can help us.
Staying in the quicksand for too long may seriously damage our nerves and can create blood clots from all the pressure the sand has on our body. Likewise, staying for too long in sadness while being stuck in the past, not being able to let go and move on can damage our nerves, heart and overall well-being from long-terms stress.

So let’s get out from a quicksand and move on. The future of being alive is too compelling to stay where we are now. And if we need help, it is important to ask for it. Letting go is a fight for a new life. We all want to get out from where we are stuck and feel alive again.

Lastly, our body will be still glued with the sand or mud when we get out from the pit. However, as we keep walking, sun and rain will clean everything. Our tears will turn to big warm smile and soon enough we will realize, we moved on and cleaned ourselves. Being alive we will be thrilled to keep walking forward and try to live again.

Alexandra Puškárová

About Alexandra Puškárová

'Every poem has a story to tell'


  • Orlando Klyn says:

    This is my second time to read this article. Because every time I read it there’s a different memory or feeling come to my mind. Because the quicksand is actually exist in everyones life. It’s a metaphor of many things we have or face in our lives can be in other forms. It can be a memory or a hurtful feeling, or it can be a negative way of thinking. It can take many forms and everytime someone cross any kind of that form should have in mind that this could be the quicksand and be more careful with dealing with it.

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