Standing still, right one by one
On the road that leads therefrom
Having a bag-of-spanners face
Waving the flags of the United States

Taking the steps, just one by one
Fully armed, in hands with a gun
What’s the reason for this hell
Money that buys chiming death knell

It’s been the same for all these years
Sad to remember, sick with tears
Running away to find the peace
Praying bloodshed one day must cease

But there’s no chance to stop the mass

Sanity’s gone
What should be done is dwelled on
Bullets piercing without a control
Yet they say to keep moving on
Future is lost, too many bridges to cross
To live a life that they all deserve
Though war never ends but rests

Alexandra Puškárová

About Alexandra Puškárová

'Every poem has a story to tell'

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