I don’t know if I should cry or rather laugh
When I read your flowery phrases
That you write to screw with my mind
Cause you just take me for a sleigh ride
But I can’t longer bide my time
So, thank you and goodbye

And I don’t know why you shut down when I cry
Know that in those moments
I needed you the most and your love
Cause woman’s cry is an invitation
For sensitive communication
I know, I won’t know why

You never asked if I was alive
You guess it right, I’m living
I put our love to archive
And I learned to trust in my life
After I burnt myself in losing

You never asked how I was living
You guess it right, I’m doing fine
I had to find my own way
To get out from your ashtray
After I burnt myself in losing

Well, I don’t know what you’ll gain in losing me
Though I assume you know what you need
And your happiness I want the most
But you just take me for a sleigh ride
You want me away, hence I’ll get lost
So, thank you and goodbye

Alexandra Puškárová

About Alexandra Puškárová

'Every poem has a story to tell'

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