I followed you walking in your steps
Always wondered where you would go next
I’m like a feather in the wind

Sometimes I’m here and then I’m nowhere
Melting with the air in a moment
I’m sparkling bright and then I’m dimmed

Sinful hands tried to catch me, to lure me
When you felt lighter, when you seemed carefree
By a chance I saved you from yourself

Billet-doux sprinkled with some regrets
Too late to read, the offer is needless
Like they say all’s well that ends well

Life is like a feather floating in the wind
It blows your way and then you miss a chance to take it in
I am not far from where you are
but when I’m near
I disappear

Nothing more deceptive than clear facts
I would always lead you to frank acts
I’m like a feather in the wind

One day here and then I am elsewhere
Once burning glow then obscuring glare
You have changed from who you used to be

And life is like a feather floating in the wind
Your open hand doesn’t promise that you can catch it in
I’m flying so far from where you are
and when you’re not here
I’m near

Alexandra Puškárová

About Alexandra Puškárová

'Every poem has a story to tell'

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