Going to dream when the night meets sun rising
It’s hard to sleep when the life’s loving you
Woke up the past to the future aborning
Someone has listened and always knew

Cannot remember the last time I thanked you
For sending the sunshine through the dark cloud
Always around me and derring-do
Sharing the virtue that you endowed

We have to wake up every morning
And choose to feel alive
But when you’re smiling you’re making it harder
For me not to love the life

Living the dream when the moon meets sun rising
Despair and hope always shift with a good sleep
Staying with me, comforting and caring
You’ve always fulfilled my every need

I will remember the night when I told you
About the one to resemble my soul
Always around me, you already knew
We don’t need perfect, but we need whole

We have to wake up every morning
And choose to love the life
But when I’m smiling I’m making it harder
For you not to feel alive

Alexandra Puškárová

About Alexandra Puškárová

'Every poem has a story to tell'

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