Thinking I saw the world inside you
I lived out truth right through your eyes
Turning a blind eye to what I was seeing
I couldn’t grasp and realize

Blurring your steps my road was fading
Drawing your thoughts, halting my move
Erasing words yet finally hearing
And then I grasped and realized

The world inside you
Mirrored what I always knew
Then the world inside me
Was out of blue out of true

Thinking you saw the world inside me
You lived my youth right through your heart
Turning away from what you were feeling
You couldn’t grasp and realize

Taking my steps your road was ending
Speaking my thoughts, showing the proof
Finding the words that you were fearing
And then you grasped and realized

The world inside me
Mirrored what was meant to be
Then the world inside you
Was out of blue out of true

Alexandra Puškárová

About Alexandra Puškárová

'Every poem has a story to tell'

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