Is tomorrow the day
When the chain breaks
And when the pain flies away
These hands were to make them
And mind was to blame them
Flesh searching for the safe place

Emptied to be filled with care
The weapon thrown away
Somewhere there in the hay
Why to fight, why to harm them
Yet these hands are still the same
That can grip onto a new day

Cleaned all over, hundred times
To wash away all their crimes
Is tomorrow that day
When the needle will be lost in the hay

Army of ten, led by the mind
Cutting the ways
Being cruel to be kind
On the surface there’s a battle
Though the soul knows what matters
And this time
Hands are emptied to carry the love

Tomorrow is the day
When the chain breaks
And when the pain flies away
These hands were to heal them
The mind will forgive them
And the flesh will find the safe place

Alexandra Puškárová

About Alexandra Puškárová

'Every poem has a story to tell'

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