The seasons come and go
Yet I stay the same
And go around
I change my mind
But then disagree
With what I say
I guess I’m an awful liar
Time will pass and the seasons
Will always come and then go

Walking backwards
I can’t remember
What that life was all about
The rose petals
The words so tender
In December
They freeze leaking out
The delicate scent of roses
Luring me out from the cold

Slowly, gently
Lustily and intently
It’s burning, then freezing
Teasing with the wheezing
As the cold winds sneak in
The cold heart warms up within
The meaning it found
While burning out

The seasons changing
The heart yearning
Hiding in the daze
Quietly burning
First the ashes
Tomorrow the green wood
Today does the fire burn brightly
The scent of roses
The longing mood
Are alluding my mind
Mesmerizing winter night
Changing the seasons of heart

Alexandra Puškárová

About Alexandra Puškárová

'Every poem has a story to tell'

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