Tell her
When her world will shake
You will come and break
Everything that can break her

Tell him
About everything
That you wanna do
Show him who you could be to him

Tell her, tell him
Tell what we don’t see
For our naïve eyes
Show us why the love can last
When it’s hard and fast

He’ll tell, she’ll tell
They’re feeling strong
But they will never do
Anything although they feel
Until their hearts will heal

Tell me
Words will turn to dust
Actions beat the past
But they will always
Remain dear to me

I’ll tell you
About the truth I hold
And it will unfold
If my heart allows me to feel
You’ll heal

And maybe
Your heart will break
And mine will break too
But we will always
Remain here and free

Alexandra Puškárová

About Alexandra Puškárová

'Every poem has a story to tell'

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