Break up in the middle of a breakdown
Cut-throat, as the only way to be kind
Then woke up in the middle of a wind down
Guilt speaks, empty eyes yet heart is still blind

One giver, one taker
Lover and heartbreaker
Though both too strong to persevere
I’ve seen you, I’ve known you
I’ve missed you and told you
You to yourself shall forgive

I’ve made mistakes and I know it
There’ve been times I wasn’t fair
Sometimes it was too late to quit
I was dazed and unaware

Make up in the middle of a make down
Self-soothe, as the only way to survive
Then lied down when my brain told me to step up
Regret, empty heart, the other eyes blind

One talker, one walker,
Good friend, later stalker
Though both too weak to clean the scene
I’ve held you, I’ve helped you
I’ve felt you and told you
You to yourself shall forgive

You’ve made mistakes, then I blew it
Emotional wear and tear
Sometimes rushed, then scared to commit
I was dazed and unaware

Alexandra Puškárová

About Alexandra Puškárová

'Every poem has a story to tell'

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