I found love in the toughest fights
She’s been my hero at all times
We live in each other, sometimes commit crimes
We both can read between the lines
She’s in the mirror, looking into my eyes
Love is haunting me and will evermore

There’ll be problems, there’ll be tears
She always got me through them all
A helping hand is always at the end of one’s arm
Though sometimes I had to use both hands
The one for myself and one for my friends
Love is haunting me and will evermore

Then I let her go and hugged the floor
We said goodbye behind closed door
I’ve never been so honest ever before
She told me “for now I have to go,
but later I’ll find you and then you’ll glow”
Love is haunting me and will evermore

Sharing all the joy I found in fairness
Taking back the months I spent in slump
Seeing every moment in its bareness
Love is haunting me, and my heart will jump

She found me even behind my door
While I was hiding near the floor
She’s never been such stalker ever before
Holding her sign, “just come to me”
Hearing her voice “with me you’re free”
Love is haunting me and will evermore

Living in the place that brings me calmness
Breathing air that nourishes my soul
Giving my time seldom, but with the kindness
If this is part of love, I’m not searching anymore

Alexandra Puškárová

About Alexandra Puškárová

'Every poem has a story to tell'

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