Today, I decided to follow up on another podcast of Cory Muscara on the topic of Envisioning in a form of storytelling through a poetry piece.

The poem talks about the importance of having dreams in life which may often resemble dreams that we have at night. However, these kinds of outwardly “unreachable” or “wrong” dreams may also be the dreams for which we live every day. The poem reveals that instead of dismissing such imaginations, we should try to explore them more and not be be afraid in indulging in them from time to time. Moreover, pursuing such dreams or fantasies can also give our life a certain direction and in some cases, maybe even a meaning, if we dream big. At the very least, our harmless fantasies can gift us with a temporary infatuation, satisfaction, sense of achievement or good feelings. So dream tonight, welcome what comes without a fight…

You had a dream tonight
Being immersed in pure delight
You felt yourself so light and high
No more questions of how and why

You had a dream tonight
All you wanted was close, in sight
Hearing the songs, so heaven-like
Warm thoughts ready to ignite

You had a dream tonight
Where nothing was wrong and nor right
Your heart was the key of fantasy
You opened the door to your plea

Your days won’t be the same
You’re here but then you’re not, again
Living in a harmless fantasy
You see things that you wanna see

Alexandra Puškárová

About Alexandra Puškárová

'Every poem has a story to tell'

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