In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you – Deepak Chopra

This article is inspired by the podcast of Cory Muscara on the topic of Inner Critic.
This interview was conducted with Dr. Vishnu, a doctor by profession, who believes in exploration of one’s soul. In this interview, he talks about how to find the trust in the chaos and face the misfortunes in a calm and proactive way.

Alexandra: I was wondering, why majority of us have issues to trust the course of our lives, what do you think could be the cause for this?
Dr. Vishnu: I feel it’s because we have so much ambitions in life. We are not enough for ourselves. Even if we get the whole planet, we want the rest 8 planets and we are never satisfied.

Alexandra: That could indeed be the case, meaning we always keep chasing more and more. Although, we are naturally creators and achievers. Nevertheless, many times things do not go the way we planned, how can we feel in a control while the world is crumbling under our feet?
Dr. Vishnu: I feel only thing we can control in the whole universe is to control ourselves. Nothing else. Whatever may be the situation, I feel we can always control how we react to it.

Alexandra: That seems like the most realistic option, although, what about the moments we are doing our best, and yet, something still doesn’t go the way we desired it to go? How can we keep the faith in what we desire?
Dr. Vishnu: See I had such situations in my life where things went out of my control but in order to maintain my mental peace, I just focused on my part: That I will do my 200% to achieve whatever my goal was and the rest is not under my control. We should always do our part and let the universe do the rest and the best for us.

Alexandra: That’s a valid point, knowing we did our all can lift up potential guilt from our shoulders about a misfortune. Do you have any specific tip how to put yourself into the mindset of trusting the universe even during difficult times?
Dr. Vishnu: It would be meditating on a daily basis, at least 1 hour – daily. You should have minimum one hour in your entire day where you don’t do anything else. It will clear your mind and bring answers you seek.

Alexandra: In our busy lives, it is indeed important to find at least a bit of time to calm down our mind, especially before sleep, and tap into our thoughts and feelings. Do you mean it could be in a way of manifestations? Does such an “activity” work? Is it possible to manifest through meditation?
Dr. Vishnu: The meditation, according to me, is actually just giving a clarity to your mind. If u have clarity in your mind, you have clarity in your work. If you have clarity in your work and your goals, then, slowly and slowly you will see the fruits of your efforts. It’s almost like we are training a part of the brain to only see opportunities for our goals and once we do something daily we will be a part of it, sooner or later.

Alexandra: So, in this way, it is a sort of manifestation because we are allowing our mind to see possibilities instead of obstacles. Once I heard a quote: “What is meant for you, won’t pass you by”. What do you think about this statement?
Dr. Vishnu: Yes! Always be relaxed and do your job and take a responsibility. However, in a way everything in the universe is related to each other. Even if you don’t achieve anything you planned for, you are a part of universe. If our vibrations are similar to the universal vibrations, then there is nothing in this universe to gain or loose. You Become the Universe and that, according to me, is called an Enlightenment.

Alexandra: That is a profound statement. I think it can relieve many of us. I would like to close this interview with one last question for you. If you could give one advice to our audience about how to trust the universe and breathe through the chaos, what would it be?
Dr. Vishnu: Just meditate.

Alexandra Puškárová

About Alexandra Puškárová

'Every poem has a story to tell'

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