Two bodies were laid on the grass bed
Both forgot those days
And all that was said

The mornings were plain but now they feel fine
What was once always
Now is at no time

Every day keeps fading the memories
But it’s alright

They know it’s now a history
One kept being down there barking up the wrong tree
Stayed and crawled towards their company
While the other was up there wanting to be free

The grass seemed greener on the other side
The reasons to leave simple just to hide
Maybe one day they will both find the right tree
And see how love is meant to be

Two bodies left from the grass bed
Remembering the days
When they were misled

The evenings were sweet, but now one’s not blind
Leaving the tree
To feel the sunlight

Every day keeps fading the memories
And that’s alright

Alexandra Puškárová

About Alexandra Puškárová

'Every poem has a story to tell'

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