Blue is the color of the truth.

She found him sitting almost half asleep on the ground next to the television. Another mundane show has numbed his brain and played as a background music to his deep breathing. She couldn’t believe he was back. How did he get there?

“Hello, wake up,” she went slowly through his hair with her fingers.
He muttered something incomprehensible as a response and then continued to even deeper sleep.

It was already too late and she didn’t want him to stay there, on the ground. Her maternal instincts kicked in. She grabbed him, trying to give him a bit of stability as he was leaning on her chest. Getting him on his legs, they slowly started walking towards the bedroom. She was feeling the same like she did long time go – the last pieces of deep unspoken love haven’t left her, although the familiar feelings of uncertainty were creeping into her body with every step they were closer to the bed. When his is numb body fell heavily into the bed, she went to the kitchen. Switching of the light by light carefully, trying not to disturb his sleep, she remembered the unconditional care she had always had for him. It comforted her yet it worried her at the same time. Would he leave again? However, he was back, right next to her room, wasn’t it the most important thing?

Oddly enough, she could not switch off one of the lights, even on the second attempt, but luckily, the third time she tried, it went off and the room was filled with the blue night darkness. Was she overlooking something? The fleeting thought appeared in her already tired mind. She dismissed the feelings of tension that started filling up her body. It was time for a peaceful sleep she deserved so much.

Her bed for that night was a couch in the living room that was on the opposite side from the window. She grabbed her cozy blanket and closed her eyes. Knowing he was there, in the same house, brought her the peace she needed to fall asleep.

“Sshmmmshmssssmm” sounds of something moving were coming out of the room where she left him sleeping. Few seconds later, the sounds of someone moving things around very loudly were exchanged by running around the room. Her first thoughts were that it must had been a burglar. Not knowing what to do, scared of the sounds intensifying, she was holding tight on the blanket, bracing for the worst as she heard the handle of the room where he was, slowly moving downwards.

In that very second, the door abruptly opened and she saw a silhouette in the blue darkness, dashing across her room towards the window. It was him, having all his things on him as she remembered from long time ago. He opened the window in the rush and with the loudness that could wake up even a dead and started singing : “I can do it agaaain, how easy it is lalalalalaaa,”. As soon as the room was flooded with the light of the night, he jumped down with a joyful cry. She heard him landing on the other roof underneath.

In shock, she ran towards the window, wanting to see what just happened and then to close it immediately. As she was almost near the window sill, his body flew right back up and the cold wind blowing from his face pushed her backwards forcefully.

His face looked like as she had never seen it before. White and full of scars from cuts and his eyes were pierced by darkness and emptiness. He started laughing loudly and the moment he said silent “sorry” he disappeared in the blue light through the window. Forever.

Alexandra Puškárová

About Alexandra Puškárová

'Every poem has a story to tell'

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