The mind that wanders, plans the wonders. The mind that stands still, is behind the wheel.

Inspired by the podcast Cultivating Calm by Cory Muscara.

We all are daydreamers from the moment we wake up. It starts from a simple planning for a day to an innovative and creative ideas that might struck us as we let our thoughts flow back and forth from the past towards the future. It is good to let our mind wander, although it is important to notice towards the kind of thoughts our mind is going and if it is not detrimental for our progress.

From our own experience, we might have noticed that our mental chatter barely stops during the day. And given the fact that we are naturally results oriented, improvement focused, our mind always keeps bouncing between what was and what could be. We already imagine the piled up tasks we need to take on every day as we keep thinking about all the other things we need to solve that day/week/month. This projection about the future collides with our reflection on the past and we start remembering how things were much easier when we had less or almost no overflow of work.

However, where is Now?

We keep escaping the present million times a day, which is, ironically, the only time we have the power to move towards the peace we wish to experience. Whether it is a finished work that piled up or just a moment of acknowledgement that the past experiences are just the memory that is occupying our Now moment. This constant influx of thoughts may frustrate us and we might start to wish to escape somewhere….either to go for a week of holiday or just to go to sleep and forget it all for couple of hours.

Interesting thing is that we do not have to travel anywhere to get a piece of a peace. We do not even have to go to sleep to shut down our thoughts.

We can just escape in the now.

We can allow the feelings and projections to die in us and our “Now” because the thought of any kind always refers to the past anyway. We are not the same person we were a second ago. The illusion of the power of our ever-wandering thoughts is so strong because the past and the future are not being experienced the second the thought appears in our consciousness. All we have is now.

It is up to us to decide if we take action and write that email we were imagining to write preferably tomorrow when we get more time and motivation. We can decide now if we decide to let the thoughts and feelings about the past steal the present moment we are in now.

Escaping in the Now is not easy at all, it all takes practice. Maybe looking at our palm or a ticking clock (instead of our phone screen clock), in the midst of a busy day, can remind us that now is all we have. All those imagines of other “Nows’ cannot exist simultaneously for us.

We always hear: “Take it one step at a time.”
Is there any other way?
We have to take the current moment we are given and move towards another one.

The mind that wanders, plans the wonders….

It is good to know where you wish to go and what you wish to experience.

The mind that stands still, is behind the wheel….

It is important to also return back to the present to be able to take action towards your dreams

Consider to choose to escape in now at times when you feel stuck or under a huge emotional pressure. Try to get out of the never – ending spiral of reflections and projections that serve you for understanding your desires but do not always move you forward.

And what about now?

…let me check my palm.

Alexandra Puškárová

About Alexandra Puškárová

'Every poem has a story to tell'

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