You put the thought in your head
And you close your eyes
You take a deep breadth
and you visualise

You put it in the belly
But your heart is the best
That’s how you manifest

– by Sonia Choquette

How does one know how to listen to their intuition? How can we notice a difference between what our ego is telling us and what is being whispered to us through our inner voice?

Once we start seeking for these answers, it’s a sign we are starting to practice a certain degree of introspection in order to better understand the next steps that we should take in our life or, in other cases, to know the truth to avoid a self-deception. Many people tell us: “Just listen to your intuition,” at times not knowing themselves what it actually means. Likewise, even when we finally decide to attempt to hear our inner self, we may struggle to believe our intuition and assume it is just our ego speaking to us what we want to hear – a mere wishful thinking.

The struggle between intuition and wishful thinking

The well known “too good to be true” thoughts may start jumping in our mind if we notice a slight sign from our intuition. We have often hard times to believe that actually something good may happen and we want to avoid being delusional. Especially when we wish for something very much and we see some signs of it happening but yet, it is still not fully manifesting, we tend to shut down and be “realists” (who are often veiled by pessimism).

How to tell a difference between an intuition and a wishful thinking?

Wishful thinking may look like this

Wishful thinking comes from our train of thoughts, from our mental activity. It is also often accompanied by an emotion. Similar, as in the picture, it feels like our mind is constantly giving us new and new images that are supposed to help us to understand the situation and see it the way we want to or do not want to see it. Wishful thinking may be accompanied by feelings of agitation, wiggling and deep down it may feel untrue. It makes us to second guess ourselves because of its inconsistency. Furthermore, a wishful thinking may feel forced and energetically filled. Lastly, when we ask ourselves very directly: “Is this true?”, we are unable to answer a straight yes. Instead we go back to our monkey mind to seek the logical answers.

Intuition may may look like this

Intuition presents itself us in a silent way. The messages that intuition sends us are from our higher self. Their purpose is to keep us safe and sound, so we follow the right part. The way the intuition may come to us can be an inner knowing or a clear voice in our head that we cannot track back purely with our thoughts. Intuition is a feeling without an emotional charge. We can feel it in every cell of our body and it makes us calm, relaxed and it lands in our body gently like a feather on our hand. It is never pushy and never asks for explanation. It feels peaceful and so satisfying, even if it brings information that are not necessarily good. It is stable, and does not require any mental gymnastics. And when we ask it: “Is this true”, it whispers a silent yet solid “Yes”.

Intuition feels true.
Intuition doesn’t change whereas wishful thinking changes

The content of the article was inspired by a global author and speaker, Sonia Choquette – he most highly regarded expert in the field of intuition. 

Alexandra Puškárová

About Alexandra Puškárová

'Every poem has a story to tell'

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