I was wondering today, to understand what is really true. However, once I know it, does it even matter in life? I realized truth just Is and cannot be spoken.. then how it is useful to wonder what is behind our thoughts?

Ahiezer: But how did you get to the conclusion that truth just is?
I think it can be spoken.

But how can finger point at itself?

Ahiezer: well, first off answer me how did you come to the conclusion that truth just is?

So truth is basically a direct experience, and within the truth there are things that are true and false…the second order things which we judge with our thoughts…but the absolute truth cannot be revealed…like even 1+1=3 is truth because now you can see it.

Ahiezer: The truth is more than concepts…another example: reality is not made of atoms but the truth. I agree with you when you say that truth is a direct experience, in a way, that’s true, however, truth in itself is exclusive, therefore, to say that there are false things within the truth, that’s a contradiction in terms. In other words, it defies logic and moreover, there are certain things that are truth and are absolute (I can demonstrate you). How do we know something is true or not? Logic helps us to differentiate between what’s true and what’s not because logic is a law, not a construct If logic was simply a construct, you and me couldn’t talk right now.

But what about a statement, sky is blue?

Ahiezer: so the laws of logic are there and help us understand the world around us. Now, what’s an absolute truth? The absolute truth is something that is true (duh) regardless of anyone’s opinion. If there were no humans on earth, would the statement “there are no humans on earth” still be true?


Ahiezer: But it’s not because I said it, it’s because it’s an absolute truth. Because logic is “above” us, so to speak. First off, we discover that we can’t escape logic, therefore logic must have a deeper grounding.

What’s is the essence that logic comes from?

Ahiezer: And that’s what we’re looking for. I’m gonna leave that door open there for a while cause I want to keep proving my point first
Now, let’s imagine you disagree with me. I tell you “truth exists”. Now, you tell me: there’s no truth!

There is no truth!

Ahiezer: Is that true?

Yes…Cause you just saw it…I just saw that too.

Ahiezer: Then there IS truth. So the statement “there’s not truth” is false, it’s self-defeating by saying “there’s no truth” you’re affirming something as the truth and you’re shooting yourself in the foot. Logic slaps you in the head and tells you that reality is not the way you want it to be.
It tells you that there must be something that’s true and something that’s not true, because again, the truth by definition is exclusive and that’s why many people hate the truth and relativize everything because they don’t want to acknowledge exclusivity.

Maybe better to ask, where the truth comes from? From logic? Where then logic comes from?

Ahiezer: I’m going there now. First, I had to make you see that truth is just “what I feel like it’s true”. You know, the famous “it’s truth for you but not for me”. Imagine that I come and tell you “Hi Alex, I’m a married bachelor”. Hold on, OR I’m married OR I’m single? I can’t simultaneously, in the same spacetime and the same sense be married and single….so…so far what does that teach us? That we can TRUST logic. We can use logic to find THE truth.

In this world logic makes sense.

Ahiezer: But you see, in any world the logic would have to be the same.

But what is it? You still didn’t tell me.

Ahiezer: as I told you, it’s above. There isn’t a world where there’s a Square circle. But anyway, let’s go on. Now…we are seeking for the ultimate truth. What’s undeniable. I think that such truth has a series of attributes or more than the ultimate truth, the ultimate reality (which would be true), it’s all the same so, that ultimate reality must be the grounding for things like logic and morality and perhaps abstract things
ike numbers or shapes and not only that this “ultimate reality” must be outside of time and outside of space.

Do you believe the ultimate reality is material?

Ahiezer: No, it’s immaterial too. But’s not bound by time or space and to imagine a timeless and spaceless reality, that’s quite hard because WE are bound by time and space. However, when you know that time and space had a beginning then it makes you wonder cause otherwise you’d have an infinite regress and that is ultimately illogical. By force it has to be outside of time and space, (and by space I don’t mean the universe).
If this ultimate reality is responsible for all there is, which I believe…then it’s not only timeless and spaceless it has to have an INSANE amount of power and it must have a will. In other words, it must be personal
I could sum it up by saying that this ultimate reality is an unembodied mind, (another hard-to-chew concept), but you see, the more we investigate, the more we are led to that conclusion, even science is bound to it. Look what I’m trying to tell you here. You live like you can, you trust all your senses and by senses I mean more than sight and ear and taste. The fact that you’re conscious tells you otherwise but that doesn’t eliminate a thing that if you were the only human being on earth you’re still 1. conscious and 2. perceiving things with your senses and therefore, reality exists.

So if you were to summarize what is truth in one sentence, what would you say?

Ahiezer: Truth is a person or a being and whatever you choose, if you trace it back, it’s gonna end up pointing to what I’m pointing you to right now because we reason from effect to cause. We’re the effect and we’re looking for the cause and what makes more sense for that cause
it’s an
UNCAUSED CAUSE, (tell me if it makes sense or not). And why uncaused? Because if that cause is caused, then who or what caused it?
Then you see, you fall again into an infinite regress. There must be something that is the source of everything.

Then, an uncaused cause is:
1. timeless
2. spaceless
3. enormously powerful
4. personal

The purpose of life is to know this “unmoved mover”, this “ultimate reality”.

Alexandra Puškárová

About Alexandra Puškárová

'Every poem has a story to tell'

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